La luz
Let the Light lead your Life
Everything that you dreamed of can be brought to life exactly at the moment when you decide to succeed.

We are a community of people who has chosen to follow the path of the light for a better life and a better future.

We believe that happiness is within and that the light is inside of us all.

Every human is capable of experiencing the divine light should they wish to choose so...

Everything in life is energy, from kinetic, to electric, to money. Energy doesn't fade nor disappear, it transforms. It can also coil and hide for the right moment to awaken.

Lead our community members towards achieving their full potential and help them find their karmic path in this life.
Our karmic path is the path that we are meant to walk in this life. It is our purpose, our meaning and the reason we came to this life. It is what we are naturally good at and enjoy doing.
In some cultures and religions they refer to it as "destino", your destiny. While other cultures refer to it as the path of the higher self or the "will of the universe".

You know that you are fulfuling your karmic path when you are in an absolute state of flow; when you wake up in the morning every day refreshed and knowing exactly what you must do today.
When you have no fears or anxieties, and when life is beautiful and the future is bright.

Our ancestors have been using plants medicine for thousands of years before the industrial revolution and the discovery of molecules. For centuries, Alchemy and Ceremonial Magick were effective treatments for ailing conditions of the human body, mind and psyche.

Plants Medicine
Blessed by the Light
Plants receive information from the light everyday the sun shines, and uses the nutrients of mother earth to transform the light into nectar, fruits, medicines and all other sort of material from anasthetics, to textiles to psychoactive substances.

All the building blocks that we need for life can be found in nature, nothing requires to be manufactured or synthetized.

And all medicine elements are in a way or another based on natural plants, herbs and even reptiles venom. No wonder the symbol for a pharmacy is a snake and a chalice ;)
Ask us anything!
+33 6 71712168
French Riviera
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